Hi, I don't know how many of you know/use this command above. It is quite useful for finding over-full lines and for controlling index/register marks. Unfortunately sometime the info printed for "Registers" is really hard to read (see example below). \definepapersize[steffen][width=15.7cm,height=23.2cm] \setuppapersize[steffen][steffen] \setuplayout [width=113mm,height=576pt, backspace=20mm,topspace=15mm, header=12pt,headerdistance=6pt, footer=42pt,footerdistance=0pt, location=middle,marking=off,grid=no] \version[temporary] \showframe \starttext \dorecurse{10}{text\footnote{note\index{keyword}}\par} \stoptext Thus, I'd like to ask: How can I 1) kill the "References" footnote (do't need it) 2) move the "Registers" info 2cm to the right in the margin? Thank you, Steffen