Hi, I wouldn't like the idea of displaying \date in ISO 8601 format. I'd rather prefer the human-readable version. The ISO 8601 is a standard for "exchange of date and time-related data" [1], not for text documents made for humans to read. How to get what you want is explained here [2], I think. HTH. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 [2] http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Reference/en/date Best regards, Stefan On 01.02.2011 00:03, Marco wrote:
in my opinion it makes sense to display the date in ISO 8601 format.
now: \date results in: January 31, 2011 ISO 8601: \date would result in: 2011–01–31
In case Hans does not like this idea, is it possible to change it to make ISO 8601 the default. Something like
\setupdate [format={year, –, mm, –, day}]
Regards Marco