On Tue, 2007-09-04 at 01:43 +0200, Andrea Valle wrote:
In my last post I was saying that I'm tinkering about the idea of using Lulu. It seems to be difficult with ConTeXt:
(Lack of full support for open formats)
I did this with LaTeX/Memoir/pdfTeX: http://www.lulu.com/content/866835 And I ordered a copy which was just printed fine. Although they officially only accept PDFs generated with Adobe Acrobat, what they mean, is that they only guarantee that proper PDFs will print. Many tools generate semi rotten PDFs. I usually run 'pdfopt' on a PDF, which web optimizes a PDF by indexing it's resources. Pdfopt usually errors on a rotten PDF, so this _can_ be an indicator whether or not it'll print with Lulu. It's no guarantee though. So Lulu's policy seems rather bad on the surface, in practice working with Lulu isn't that bad at all. Regards, Pascal de Bruijn -- http://blog.pcode.nl/ http://www.linkselente.nl/