Hi, in MkIV there is a problem when I set tints for a color. This is a complete minimal example of my setup: \setupcolors[state=start,rgb=no,cmyk=yes,spot=yes] % rgb= no needed in MkII \setupcolor [hex] \definecolor[PantoneOneEightSeven][h=C40F2F,e=Pantone 187 U] \definespotcolor[dtkred] [PantoneOneEightSeven][p=1.0] \definespotcolor[dtkredlight][PantoneOneEightSeven][p=0.7] \starttext \blackrule[width=4cm,height=4cm,color=dtkred,] \blackrule[width=4cm,height=4cm,color=dtkredlight] \stoptext I could also reproduce it with a short setup: \setupcolors[state=start,rgb=no] % rgb= no needed in MkII \definespotcolor[dtkred] [red][p=1.0] \definespotcolor[dtkredlight][red][p=0.7] \starttext \blackrule[width=4cm,height=4cm,color=dtkred,] \blackrule[width=4cm,height=4cm,color=dtkredlight] \stoptext With the setting rgb=yes the color dtkred is correct in the output but dtkredlight is darker than dtkred, with the setting rgb=no dtkred is black in my document. Wolfgang