Bonjour à tous, I'm sorry for my bad english, I hope there is not to much semantical mistakes. About math, biblio and context2html missing features mentionned in previous discussion, some poeples talk about standard document writing, I dont't think every body need to write chimical formula, but there is a powerfull ConTeXt extension to do it, so it's not a valid argument to not accept a math package in the ConTeXt distribution. The raison I tried ConTeXt is to test it for a full replacement for LaTeX. I know that ConTeXt is not finished, and some fonctionnalties could be add or corrected later. I also know that such a task is not feasable by only one person (even by Hans :-) So the only way to make this project realisable is to get (stole :-) guru from LaTeX community to ConTeXt. And nobody will contribute in a project that it hasn't fully adopted! For this, one need: 1 - a clear polilical objective for context, 2 - the way (or path, or mean?) adopted for reaching it, 3 - the adapted developpement model, 4 - some (elastical) roadmap. As I said, I see ConTeXt as a (potencial) full replacement for LaTeX. I've writen a technical slide presentation and an article like document (20 pages) for testing that. I succeded (with some work) But for now, I can't encourage a student for begining with ConTeXt instead of LaTeX. On the other side, I (one) can't use both ConTeXt **and** LaTeX for doing things: I have to choose only one. So the answer to these previous questions will very important for the choice. Cordialement, -- Maurice Diamantini http://www.ensta.fr/~diam