Hi all, I hope everybody made it back home safely after the meeting. It was great listening in, even if I couldn't be there in person, unfortunately! Today's question is an old one, but I'm confused. What I need: two columns, of unequal width, the left column has line numbering; two column layout starts in the middle of pages. What I tried so far: 1. \defineparagraphs allows to have two paragraphs of unequal width, but the line numbering isn't visible: \setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \setuplayout[grid=yes] \definelinenumbering [original] [step=2,location=text,align=flushright,distance=0.4cm,style=small,color=magenta] \defineparagraphs [Half] [n=2] \setupparagraphs [Half] [before=,after=,align=verytolerant] \setupparagraphs [Half] [1] [width=0.45\textwidth] \starttext \startlinenumbering [original] [start=4] Poetry One Word Per Line is Poetic \stoplinenumbering \nextHalf Prose translation \stopHalf \stoptext 2. columnsets:\usemodule[old-columnsets]: unequal width, but no line numbering: \usemodule [old-columnsets] \setuppapersize [A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \setuplayout [grid=yes] \definecolumnset [numbered] [n=2] \setupcolumnset [numbered] [distance=0.5cm,frame=on] \setupcolumnset [numbered:1] [width=4cm] \setupcolumnset [numbered:2] [width=10cm] \starttext \startcolumnset [numbered] \startlinenumbering[step=1,location=left] Poetry One Word Per Line is Poetic\par % needed, otherwise last line is not indented correctly \stoplinenumbering \column Two \stopcolumnset \stoptext 3. Same example without the first line: line numbers, but width is ignored; both columns are of width 0.5\textwidth. 4. page columns: always start at new page. 5. \startcolumns: like 3.; equal width. In addition, for reasons that are completely unclear to me, the example from the columnsets manual (p. 32) does not compile: \setuppapersize[A4,landscape][A4,landscape] \setuplayout[grid=yes] \showframe \definecolumnset[example][n=3,page=left] \setupbackgrounds[text][text][background=contrast] \setupcolumnset[frame=on,framecolor=color-4,rulethickness=1mm] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][white] \setupcolumnset[example:1][width=2cm] \setupcolumnset[example:2][width=4cm] \setupcolumnset[example:3][width=3cm] \setupcolumnset[example:4][width=3cm] \setupcolumnset[example:5][width=4cm] \setupcolumnset[example:6][width=6cm] \starttext \startcolumnset[example] \dorecurse{5}{ \dorecurse{3}{\fakewords{10}{15}\par} \column[yes] } \stopcolumnset \stoptext ends in "tex error > tex error on line 23 in file /tmp/test.tex: ! Undefined control sequence So I'm a bit confused: what I should use? What is the current status of the diverse columns environments? Have a nice Sunday! Thomas