On 13 Oct 2019, at 12:43, Henning Hraban Ramm
wrote: Hi, I’d like to update my list of (usable!) PDF viewers. Which one do you use? (Current version?)
Hi Hraban, I am on MacOS and use the PDF viewer included in TeXShop (which is based on Preview.app of MacOS). For my presentations I use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, but for readings on the screen the Preview.app of MacOS is just fine (one can also annotate a PDF file, but strangely when such files are used in ConTeXt the annotations disappear: so one has to transform them into a JPG then again into a PDF). I use extensively synctex within TeXShop, and although there has been a split in the way synctex is implemented in ConTeXt and other TeX flavors, it works fine. When writing lecture notes and math exercises, having synctex is fundamental for me. Best regards: OK