On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 02:00:39PM +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 13-4-2010 1:03, Khaled Hosny wrote:
They already shipped glyphs with such poor artistic value, being in the Ghostscript fonts is not an excuse, they could have resorted to the original URW fonts, which were released under GPL, from the start if quality is so high priority to them. So, I don't see how welcoming potential contributers can be any worse, it might actually improve the miserable state of some areas of the fonts.
the miserable shaped would have been improved if there had been any interest in it but a fact is that neither greek nor cyrillic users ever gave any feedback (about right shapes to start with) and as such they became a burden. Of course greek has to be brought in (maybe from px/tx) again when math is done.
And how do you expect to get any feedback if you are alienating your users from the start? I've looked again in the TeX Gyre project page and I can't find anything even remotely related to feedback or contact us address, not to talk about a mailing list or bug tracker. By adopting a closed development model, you are telling every outsider: "your opinion is worth nothing, we are not interested in it", so don't wonder you didn't receive any. BTW, I just checked ghostscript fonts shipped with my distro and they don't have any of the crappy Greek glyphs TeX Gyre have (neither do the files linked from TeX Gyre web page), so I don't know from where TeX Gyre got those. Regards, Khaled -- Khaled Hosny Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team Free font developer