En/na Hans Hagen ha escrit:
Xan wrote:
Really, I did not know that. It's a messy thing that we could not define what we like ;-)
it's the nature of a tex macro package; ok, i can add some strict testing for in in mkiv but even then it might just be that someone who knows th einternals (like wolfgang or wolfgang or wolfgang) wants to overload something built in by something better In my modest opinion it could help: a warning that says you overload something predefined. And really I think it helps it the error message is more explicit. A normal user like me turn crazy trying to find the error....
But well, you are the boss ;-)
% collect these exceptions and send then to mojca or arthur
Okay. It's a pleasure to give to you. How can I see what is, if there is, the lists of hyphenated words?
best ask mojca or arthur who to contact as they are in charge of pattern management for all tex distributions
Okay, In private or public mail? Xan.