Hello all, I am working on a document (source=HTML) which has as an appendix a complete Bibliography (which I did with BibTex, and works fine), but it also has endnotes (after every \part) which (most often) reference the Bibliography. I did this now as simple endnotes and using the literal text of the notes, since sometimes they do not refer to anything in the Bibliography, therefore I would need to keep them as endnotes and not as cite reference. But for entries that do, my question is: - How to setup \cite so that it displays the fields I want (author, title, address) in the style I want (title=italics). - How to give extra information (like the page reference). And how are notes with "Ibid." (referring to a same cite as a previous footnote) dealt with, is there any mechanism that does that (probably not)? Related to this I have also the following problem with endnotes. I managed to get the notes in the text and where the endnotes are places converted to diplay: [1] (instead of a superscript without the brackets). But how can I configure it to have the same amount of identation for every endnote text. The indentation is now different for notes starting with [10], etc., and the footnote text lines are only indented the first line, following lines starting non-indented. The overall effect I want is that the endnote + endnote text look like being typeset as a tabulation. How can one do that? Many thanks. Rob.