On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 09:38,
I have TeXLive 2008 installed on Windows (on a path with no spaces). I wanted to update ConTexT, so ran the following commands (using cygwin), following instructions from wiki
rsync -av rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/context/current/ /cygdrive/c/texlive/2008/texmf-dist/
which ran fine.
However the next command
rsync -av rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/bin/luatex/win32/bin/luatex /cygdrive/c/texlive/2008/bin/win32/
fails, producing
rsync: change_dir "/current/bin/luatex/win32" (in minimals) failed: No such file or directory
Sorry, for windows it's a bit different. It should have been rsync -av rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/bin/luatex/mswin/bin/ /cygdrive/c/texlive/2008/bin/win32/
So the question is, how do I update the ConTexT and luatex for windows (TeXLive installation)?
See above. But (see below) I fear that you also need to update mtxtools and luatools manually. For the moment maybe you could try to replace the two *.lua files in bin with the one found inside texmf-dist/scripts/context/lua/ (Though it might still be easier to fetch minimals; at least you'll have two versions of ConTeXt installed - usually the only one you have fails one day before the deadline anyway*** :) :) :) :)
Note that, luatools --generate generates no cnf files found message.
Hmmm ... I fear that I forgot to fix something on Windows (some symbolic links) when I was fixing a few issues for unix. As far as I can recall, somebody should test the change before commiting it, but then we forgot the issue. But I'm not sure if I'm talking about the same thing. Maybe it's something different on windows. Does anyone else use TeX Live on windows? Mojca *** Not to be taken too serously, but it might happen that when you're working on something and find a bug, the bug usually gets fixed with "please update ConTeXt" remark. You need to update in order to get the bug resolved, but it may happen that a few other problems pop up in the meantime. So it's always better to have at least two versions of ConTeXt installed. One to work with and one just in case.