6 Aug
6 Aug
12:01 a.m.
Ciro Soto
Hi all
I wonder what the people in this list is using for checking the spelling of a tex document.... I am in Linux and I have going back and forth from tex to OOwriter to do this, but that is a pain. Any other suggestion?
thank you Ciro
What text editor are you currently using? I work on Linux too, and, to be honest I almost couldn't find a text editor that didn't spell check (at least with a little coaxing). I tried Emacs, gvim, gedit, jedit, and geany before I finally hit an editor that didn't have spell checking for context files (scite). Heck, I think even nano will do spell checking. At the risk of starting a flame war, Emacs with AUCTeX handles this and a whole pile of other ConTeXT stuff quite nicely. Jason