I am trying to reuse code of a project from 2017 with TL23 context. (Other questions probably coming up...) Back then I used font handlers to fix some smaller problems in the font, i.e. a wrongly placed small capital and missing kerning for the small caps. The following code works with context 2017.04.27 01:00 MKIV beta but has stopped having any effect using recent context (2023.05.05 18:36 LMTX). There are no error messages. Has the syntax changed? Or is the functionality dropped completely? I was also wondering why it has never been working to adjust the kerning for the regular letters, e.g. "A" and "V" in the example, neither in 2017 nor today. Thanks a lot in advance! Florian. \definefontfamily [mainface] [serif] [Palatino Linotype] [oldstyle] \setupbodyfont [mainface] %\feature[+][oldstyle] %\feature[+][kernup] %works with Context beta from 2017, doesn't work with TL 2023 \directlua{ fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { name = "smcp", type = "alternate", data = { ['eth'] = 'Eth.ordn' , % ['k.smcp'] = 'Ķ' , }, } } %works for the smcp with Context beta from 2017, doesn't work for the regular capital letters %doesn't work at all with Context TL 2023 \directlua { fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature { name = "kern", type = "kern", data = { ["A"] = { ["V"] = 1500 }, ["P"] = { ["Æ"] = 1500 }, ["a.smcp"] = { ["s.smcp"] = 1500 }, }, } } \startdocument AVAPÆV þýðask {\sc þýðask} 123