Hello, Here are some of my observations about Lucida fonts (font part for now; math part comes later). I made a detailed check of files that are present on CTAN. I don't know how Hans' metric files look like, but: - texfont --ve=yandy ... doesn't do anything here - texfont --ve=bh ... creates a bunch of files, however *not* the T1 files which are of crucial importance to me; T1 (=ec) is only supported via virtual fonts. (And even then the character looks just about terrible, but still better than not having it at all.) I have fixed the typescripts, so that one doesn't need to generate any additional files apart from those present on CTAN (and we can also add them to minimals, but it might be nice to cooperate with Hans first to prevent any name clashes). I'll send the typescripts once I figure out some problems, but: 1.) Hans, why does \definefontsynonym [LucidaBright] [file:hlhr.pfb] fail with the message below? (I can send a complete example off-list.) How does one use pfb fonts then? Anyway, \definefontsynonym [LucidaBright] [name:LucidaBright] works fine, so that's ok for now. Using the accents in XeTeX would require extra tricks anyway, so concentrating on pdftex and luatex seems reasonable. 2.) When reading typescripts for mkii with mkiv ("ec" encoding that is based on virtual fonts), I don't get any accent at all, not even š and ž that are part of texnansi encoding and are present in font. Why is that? 3.) When creating a devoted mkiv typescript, č is missing (and so are ćđ, but I can live without the two of them as long as Nino is not nearby :), however not being able to use č is a no-go for me. I'll get to math later. At the moment I had to figure out how the files are organized and how to use them without having to depend on texfont. Mojca --------------------------------- Here's the error when using [file:something.pfb] as file name: ! LuaTeX error ...cida/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/font-def.lua:308: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...cida/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/font-def.lua:308: in function 'read' ...cida/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/font-def.lua:585: in function 'read' ...cida/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/font-ctx.lua:367: in function 'command_2' <main ctx instance>:1: in main chunk. \lowleveldefinefont ...lax , "\relativefontid " )} \edef \somefontspec {at \s... \xxdododefinefont ...efont {#4}\newfontidentifier \fi \csname \newfontidenti... \applyfontclassstrategies ...\fontsize \endcsname \else \expandafter \fontcl... \synchronizefont ...lse \applyfontclassstrategies \fi \autofontsizefalse \if... \rm ->\ifmmode \mathrm \else \normalrm \fi \doswitchstyle ...e \csname \@style@ #1\endcsname \edef \fontstyle {#1}\ifmm... ... l.9 \setupbodyfont[lucida] ?