2011/4/28 Wolfgang Schuster
As do now know what you want here is a solution from me (MkIV only):
\define[2]\PullquoteCommand {\placefigure[\annotationparameter{location},none]{}% {\framedtext [frame=off, width=\annotationparameter{width}, style=\annotationparameter{style}] % {“#2”}}} {\setupinterlinespace“#2”\par}}}
\defineannotation [pullquote] [alternative=command, command=\PullquoteCommand, location=right, width=fit, style=\tfc]
\startpullquote[width=4cm] All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. \stoppullquote
\input knuth
\startpullquote[width=4cm,location=left] All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. \stoppullquote
\input knuth
Looks great, but you can not use center. Would that be possible. When using center, the quote is centered, but the text comes after the quote. It would be nice if the text would flow around both sides of the quote, -- Cecil Westerhof