On 11 Nov 2023, at 14:52, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Last time I checked tree-sitter on neovim, there were no good tree-sitters for context. I'd be interested in testing this out.
Happy to have feedback!
Does the parser detect nested metapost and luatex environments?
The parser recognizes chunks of metapost and latex code and marks them in the syntax tree, but does nothing else: I figured the best approach here was to let applications call out to various tree-sitter parsers as needed. I don't know of a tree-sitter parser for either metapost or latex. The next one I am going to try to build a parser for is metapost (following the reference material in the back of the manual) but I haven't sat down to that task yet. (Plus, that one's going to need a _lot_ of testing by people other than I; I only use metapost for very simple things, and my understanding is surface level at best.)