Thanks so much Taco, that opens the door to a lot for me. It's a tricky learning curve.

Just in case anyone else is copying code in future for CALS, there's a tiny tweak to the rows calculation, it should be ( or 0) + 1.

I see a route to solving lots of other problems here too. Thanks again.


On Thu, 5 May 2022 at 08:21, Taco Hoekwater <> wrote:

> On 4 May 2022, at 22:10, Duncan Hothersall via ntg-context <> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm processing an XML table and need to set a row span. Because we use a variant of the CALS table model, spans are defined by an attribute saying how many *additional* rows should be spanned, as opposed to how many *in total*. So to translate this into TABLE \bTD[nr=X] syntax I need to add 1.
> I'm guessing this is very easily doable (in lua?) but I've tried various permutations and can't work it out. If anyone could give me a pointer that would be great.
> (In reality I'm going to need to handle lots of other conversions of attribute values into \bTD[...] commands, so if there's a generalised way of doing that sort of thing, or even better if someone has already tackled CALS tables in this way, that would also be great!)

Not CALS, but I do a lot of HTML table processing. I find it all much easier on the lua side, because there the
attributes are just in a table entry of the argument node t ( ):

set up a lua function in the setups:

\startxmlsetups xml:demo:base
 \xmlsetfunction {\xmldocument}{entry}{userdata.xmlfunctions.entry}

and then add this lua code:

userdata.xmlfunctions = {}
function userdata.xmlfunctions.entry (t)
  local rows = ( or 1) + 1

All of the tex-side commands also exist in lua, in the lxml and/or xml table, e.g.:

direct output flushing:
  lxml.all(t, ‘entry’)

filter for processing:
  for b in xml.collected(lxml.getid(t),'../row/entry') do … end

(those are the ones I use a lot, there are many more)

Best wishes,

Duncan Hothersall, Operations Director
CAPDM Limited - Online Program Enablers
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