For I had some problems with my installation I tried to start from scratch. But I'm stuck with an error in mtxrun: Welcome to Darwin! user$ cd /usr/local/ConTeXt/ /usr/local/ConTeXt user$ rsync -ptv rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/setup/first-setup.sh . first-setup.sh sent 115 bytes received 1757 bytes 1248.00 bytes/sec total size is 1638 speedup is 0.88 /usr/local/ConTeXt user$ ./first-setup.sh receiving file list ... done bin/ bin/mtx-update-old.lua bin/mtx-update.lua bin/mtxrun bin/texlua sent 186 bytes received 6127742 bytes 331239.35 bytes/sec total size is 6126659 speedup is 1.00 MtxRun | version 1.1.0 - 2007+ - PRAGMA ADE / CONTEXT MtxRun | variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/local/ConTeXt/bin MtxRun | variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr/local/ConTeXt MtxRun | variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to /usr/local MtxRun | variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} MtxRun | no cnf files found (TEXMFCNF may not be set/known) MtxRun | using script: bin/mtx-update.lua state | loaded update | start /usr/local/ConTeXt/bin/mtxrun:1741: attempt to index a nil value And that's it. Line 1741 of mtxrun contains a popen command to execute a system command; but even if I change that (e.g. printing the accessed variable before), the error stays at that line, so the message is probably wrong. Please help? Greetlings, Hraban