andrea valle wrote:
Thanks Mojca, (I put again the discussion on the list)
andrea valle wrote: It seems to me that this:
Btw: take a look at the thread "MetaFun questions" in ConTeXt archive and at the command naturalfigure(expr name) defined in mp-figs.mp.
externalfigure "mptext.pdf" xyscaled (10cm, 8cm);
externalfigure "mptext.pdf" xyscaled (10cm, 8cm) shifted (3cm, 6cm);
...have the same results.
Of course they do. Metapost is clever enough to calculate the proper bounding box. If you "draw origin" or "draw origin shifted anypointyoucanthinkof" and if that is the only thing you draw, than both figures will be identical. If you would like the figure to be different, you can set the bounding box explicitely with: setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xyscaled ... shifted ...; If you want your graphic to appear somewhere else on the page than you have to handle that with plain TeX/ConTeXt commands to achieve the desired placing ... or using layers in MetaFun.
So, how do I know all the options I can use? Simply I can't?
The command externalfigure in MetaFun has no additional options/parameters. The best place to learn metafont/post/fun is: - take The METAPOSTBook in a library (not necessary) - metapost manual: http://www.tug.org/tutorials/mp/mpman.pdf - MetaFun manual: http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/metafun-s.pdf - sources: go to http://source.contextgarden.net/ and search for externalfigure for example I usually use the metapost and metafun manual and simply the search function in Adobe Acrobat fo find what I'm looking for. Reading the whole metafun manual is no bad idea anyway. If you're looking for ConTeXt documentation: well, yes, than you start reading one manual after another, keep looking into the source code and search through the mailing list archive & contribute to Wiki. I'm affraid there's no other way for the moment. Mojca