Am 2010-11-24 um 09:21 schrieb Otared Kavian:
Thanks Hraban for your answer, so you too have TeX files processed in order to present them on web pages.
Sorry, I didn't read your question accurately. No, I just produce PDFs using ConTeXt from web apps (i.e. pull data from the app's database and use Django's templating engine to write ConTeXt files).
I'll look inside DruTeX to see whether it can be adpated for ConTeXt. I was wondering whether there are other means using the capabilities of ConTeXt mkiv to export TeX files into xml and then show them on the webpages.
That would probably work, if your ConTeXt sources are structured enough (e.g. use \startchapter instead of \chapter).
I'll do some more search on the issue before making a final decision.
Good luck! Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- (I'm an assurer)