My current book contains a lot of quotations with their sources marked as footnotes, e.g. \definedelimitedtext[Zitat][ %setups=Zitat, % doesn’t work!? left=», right=«, leftmargin=2em, rightmargin=1.5em, ] \startZitat A rose is a rose is a rose.\footnote{Marx brothers} \stopZitat Now, since the quotations are whole sentences or paragraphs, the footnote marker needs to be placed _after_ the closing quotation mark. (German typography, I learned it’s different at least in US English.) I tried several approaches e.g. with my own single start/stop macros that call \start/stopnarrower or \start/stopZitat – that always lead to unclosed environments. * Only the delimitedtext approach gives a hanging opening quotation mark (which looks nice and I’d like to have). * \stopnarrower within a macro doesn’t seem to work (all following text stays narrower). * I can’t get rid of that space introduced by the CR before \stop – didn’t find a place where \gobblespacetokens works, maybe that’s the wrong command. Most preferred would be a solution that checked if there’s a footnote in front of \stopZitat and would put the closing quotation mark in front instead of after. Without a footnote it would just place the mark. Something like \stopZitat\footnote{...} would also be nice, but I guess that’s too far outside of TeX’s logic. In the worst case I’d need to typeset the closing mark manually. Some hints please? Hraban