Le 07 avril 2010 à 03:16, Vianney le Clément a écrit:
I'm trying to find a French equivalent for back/cutspace... any idea?
Marge intérieure / marge extérieure?
No, this would be the equivalent of Inner margin / outer margin, I guess. The thing is that I don't know and don't find printers terminology using "backspace" or "cutspace". In French, we also have "petit fond" and "grand fond", that might be what I'm looking for, but not sure. It's not procrastination, by the way: I'd just like to get a clear picture of the concepts behind context terminology and, eventually, try to translate them in order to help new users (and myself!) to get in the way easily. -- Sébastien Mengin Édition et logiciels libres < Mise en page avec LaTeX > http://edilibre.net