Dear list, I have the following sample: \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \null\page \definerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow] [width=\textwidth, height=\textwidth] \userendering[key-name][audio/mp3][audio.mp3] [embed=yes, auto] \placerenderingwindow[myrenderingwindow][key-name] \page \null\page \stoptext I want to include the second page in another document. \externalfigure[document.pdf][page=2, interaction=all] would be the right command, but it looses the media clip. A complete sample would be: \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \startlayout[page] \externalfigure[document.pdf][page=2, interaction=all] \stoplayout \stoptext Given this sample, is there any way to include the page (or the whole document) with the media clip and all its functionalty? Many thanks for your help, Pablo