Hoi Sander, Sander wrote:
This gives basically three equally long division lines
The fraction line of a nested fractions is in fact shorter than that of its parent fraction, but by a very small amout. This seems to be the standard behaviour -- I tried the formula in LaTeX, and the difference is just as small. I agree with you that it would be nice if the difference were a bit bigger in the case of continued fractions, but I suspect that would be hard to automate. Anyway: below is a quick hack for manual adjustment. (I've simplified your formula somewhat -- the one in your mail threw some syntax errors to do with {} nesting, and the square roots made it harder to make out the fraction line.) Cheers, Sietse % Declare a new dimension variable \newdimen\padwidth % Set dimen \padwidth=1em % Define a command that adds a padwidth-sized kern \define[0]\pad{\kern \padwidth} % Needed for the formula \def\VAR#1{\text{VAR}(#1)} \startformula \frac{ \mu_{Z} }{ \pad\frac{ \VAR{Z} }{ N_{\text{segments}} }\pad } \stopformula