On 4/12/22 1:57 PM A A via ntg-context wrote:
Is there a straightforward way of setting up the itemize command such that every first letter is capitalized, regardless of whether I do so in the source file?
Also, is there a way to insert a comma at the end of each item except for the last, and then a full stop at the end of the last item like follows?
- First item, - Second item, - Third item, - Last item.
I revisited this today after the (frankly) subpar solution I presented yesterday. With the below example, we • neither lose the nice features of \setupitemgroup • nor do we need grouping of the items. The only 'price to pay' is to use \citem (comma item) and \pitem (period item) as required. %% start example \def\citem{\item\AfterPar{\hspace[-normal],}\GetPar} \def\pitem{\item\AfterPar{\hspace[-normal].}\GetPar} \defineitemgroup [pitemize] [command=\Word,numberconversion=words] \starttext \startpitemize[n] \citem first item \citem second item \citem third item \pitem fourth item \stoppitemize \stoptext %% stop example Best, Sreeram