Am 07.10.2009 um 22:20 schrieb Andreas Schneider:
for some time now, I try to figure out, how to enable fold marks in the letter module.
Fold marks are enabled by default but there was a bug in the code, I
uploaded a new release.
There are different ways to enable and disable all of them, the
'marking' key could be used
to hide all of them (making=no) but you can also disable certain ones
with the individual name,
the default setup is:
[marking=yes, % enable all marks
cutmark=yes, % vertical middle of the paper for cutting
endmark=no, % relict from typewriter time to indicate the end of
the paper
usermark=no] % no purpose, could be used for whatever you want
For letters with more than one page it is sometimes usefull to show
the marks only on
the first page or for doublesided letters (it's possible but who
want's this) you can
control this with (multiple values can be given as argument to state):