On 2/17/2021 12:18 AM, Jairo A. del Rio wrote:
I've copied the following example from the ConTeXt archive:
if unknown context_apos : input mp-apos.mpiv ; fi ;
if nofposboxes = 1 :
draw posboxes[1] ;
fi ;
This \hpos{one}{word} should be \hpos{two}{framed}.
Frames are misplaced, so I don't know if that's a bug or something else has been updated/changed/deprecated. Thank you in advance. As a step-up to further integrated (more lmtx-ish) support for this the next upload will have this:
\defineoverlay[frames][\positionoverlay{frames}] \setupbackgrounds[text][background=frames] \startMPpositiongraphic{frame} getposboxes("self","anchor") ; if nofposboxes = 1 : draw posboxes[1] ; fi ; \stopMPpositiongraphic \startpositionoverlay{frames} \setMPpositiongraphic{one}{frame} \setMPpositiongraphic{two}{frame} \stoppositionoverlay \starttext This \hpos{one}{\strut word} should \hpos{two}{\strut also be framed}. \stoptext Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------