Mike Cooper schrieb am 11.08.2020 um 19:20:
-----Original Message----- From: Wolfgang Schuster [mailto:wolfgang.schuster.lists@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 10:07 AM To: mailing list for ConTeXt users Cc: Mike Cooper Subject: Re: [NTG-context] custom header/footer for 1st/other pages of section
Mike Cooper schrieb am 10.08.2020 um 23:40:
Thank you Wolfgang!
I tried to change your code from chapters to sections (since that's what I was
already using) but it didn't work. So, I switched my sections to chapters and it works great! But it also caused me to run into other things I'd set up manually that I'm having to figure out---good way to learn! Haha!
You can only set header or footer settings when the section starts on a new page. Permitting these two values for every section without this restrictions can lead to problems because there can be cases where you have different section levels on the same page and the setting from the last command on the page counts.
That makes sense. I wasn't really thinking of my sections as "chapters" per se. And I was forcing sections (each >5 pages) to start on new (odd) pages. But switching to chapters is fine and takes care of some other stuff I was forcing.
You don't have to use \chapter as first level section which starts on a new page, you can do the same with \section when you use \setuphead [section] [page={yes,odd}]
One thing I *CANNOT* figure out: I've been using \doifoddpageelse to put in a blank/empty page at the end of a section (if needed) so that new sections always start on an odd page. This is still working with the change to chapters from sections, EXCEPT for the first chapter (after TOC)! Totally stuck with that one...
Let me guess you divide your document into section blocks (frontmatter, bodymatter etc.).
When this is the case you have to first disable the page setting for these blocks because they interfere with the header/footer setting. To disable the page breaks add
\setupsectionblock [frontpart,bodypart] [page=no]
to your document setups.
How does this interact with \startsectionblockenvrironment? I found this on wiki.contextgarden.net/Table_of_Contents for suppressing header/footer on TOC. I did not specify frontmatter before, but moving the header/footer content into the environment file messed up my formerly clean TOC page. :-) So, I've currently got:
\startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader[state=none] \setupfooter[state=none] \stopsectionblockenvironment
Do I keep this and also include your code above? Or can both things be taken care of together somehow?
Both a different setups for different purposes. In my setup I tell ConTeXt not to force a page break when it encounters \startfrontmatter or \stopfrontmatter because I insert the break with \chapter. With the sectionblockenvironment-environment you can set a list of settings which are inserted at the start of block, i.e. your settings above do the same as \startfrontmatter \setupheader[...] \setupfooter[...] ... \stopfrontmatter where I added the setting to the start of the block. The advantage of \startsectionblockenvironment is that you have separated the layout from the content. Wolfgang