Hi all, Joaquín I hope your are doing well. To keep you informed of my progress on the French version of "a not so short introduction to ConTeXt", I am done for part I, and II, and I am starting with Part III... I really appreciate Joaquín's Introduction, its structure, the sequence of steps. Thanks again for that. The latest french pdf can be found here : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/contextgarden/not-so-short-introduction-to... The GitHub directory is here : https://github.com/contextgarden/not-so-short-introduction-to-context/tree/m... I added some content : - 6.7 : how to use fonts from the operating system - 7.4.3.D : tweaks with sectionconversionset - p.6 : kind of "visual Table of Content" - 9.6 : attachements I added some "features" : - use of ~10 environnement files for typesetting configuration - colors : to provide a somewhat attractive document inspired by Hans Hagen "Typographic Programming" https://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/style.pdf - commands to typeset Demos (showing code and results side by side) - some attachments to provide "ready to go .tex for beginners" Some thoughs: - to move "page break section" from Part I section 5.5 to something like Part III 11.x - Once the translation finished, to simplify some explanations. Garulfo