Hi All,
Having set this header text:
\setupheadertexts [\vbox{\hbox{AAA}} \hbox{BBB}}}] [{CCC}]
the result is: AAA in the top left corner, BBB just under AAA CCC in the top right corner with the page number in the center
What I want to have is: 1. AAA = the title of the chapter 2. BBB = the title of the section
\getmarking{chapter} etc
3. CCC in the top right corner but containing the page number
4. Just below all this a long line to separate the page header from its content
I tried to apply the tips but now I have the page number on both the
center and the right, without having the name of the chapter and the section in the left. Could you please be more precise. Where can I find info about "\getmarking"? Thanks. jk -- // Jilani KHALDI http://www.archsf.org