On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 19:04, Hans van der Meer wrote:
The directives in the ContextGarden for working with the minimals in TeXShop are not working for me on MacOSX. I installed the minimals in ~/TeX/context/beta and then set the TeXShop engine script to: export TEXROOT="~/TeX/context/beta/tex" export PATH=$TEXROOT/texmf-osx-ppc/bin:$PATH export TEXMFCACHE="$TEXROOT/texmf-cache" context "$1" This corresponds to the recipe step 3 of "TeXShop installation and configuration". The result in TeXShop's console window is disappointing: MTXrun | unknown script 'context.lua' or 'mtx-context.lua'
This looks like a missing "luatools --generate". I admit that I remember seing the automatic "luatools --generate" that's executed with mtx-update.lua not create the "right" cache, but I don't know or remember any details. Does running it manually under the same set of settings help? Mojca