On 10/4/07, Dalyoung Jeong
Dear Thomas, Mojca, and Otared,
Thank you for the instructions. I think that I followed the instructions of installation without problems. But I have a problem running luatools.
A few week ago, I succeeded running luatools --generate, but not luatools --ini --... after making .luatex containg variables like TEXMF, TEXMFCNF, etc.
I removed gwTeX and reinstalled MacTeX, I did the same steps of installation and I got the errors. At this time, even "luatools -- generate" didn't run correctly. It is ooking for the wrong folder.
I tried "setuptex"(copy setuptex to the binary, and chmod 755 to run), but it asked me to "provide a proper tex directory like / something/tex"
Because it's hardcoded in setuptex that one needs to have some files at fixed locations. You can modify setuptex a bit according to your needs (remove those explicit checks). Mojca