Hi! A while back Wolfgang presented a nice solution for alternating fillers: https://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ntg.nl/msg67677.html It works if the text has a constant width. But if the width changes, the alternating look is lost. Is there a way to align the dots vertically even if the text has variable width? Example: \usemodule [visual] \definefiller [pavel-0] [alterntive=symbol, method=global, width=2em, leftmargin=.5em, rightmargin=.5em, symbol=\clap{.}] \definefiller [pavel-1] [pavel-0] [align=left] \definefiller [pavel-2] [pavel-0] [align=middle] \newconditional\PavelState \global\setfalse\PavelState \define\PavelFiller {\ifconditional\PavelState \global\setfalse\PavelState \filler[pavel-1]%% \else \global\settrue\PavelState \filler[pavel-2]%% \fi} \def\oneword {\getrandomnumber\n{1}{100}\fakenwords{1}{\n}} \starttext %% dots are vertically aligned \dorecurse{6}{%% Foo \PavelFiller Bar\par} \hairline %% dots are not aligned \dorecurse{6}{%% \oneword\PavelFiller\oneword\par} \stoptext Marco LMTX 2023.09.04 19:15