On 2013–01–25 Alain Delmotte wrote:
I think it is for mkII and I use mkIV and that there has been many changes in between.
- The example at the bottom of page 11 and page 12 gives me an error: ! Argument of \head has an extra }.
\starttext \startitemize \starthead kraamschudden\hfill (child welcoming) \stophead When a child is born the neighbours come to visit the new parents. The women come to admire the baby and the men come to judge the baby (if it is a boy) if he will become a strong man. The neighbours will bring a {\em krentenwegge} along. A krentenwegge is a loaf of currant bread of about \unit{1 meter} long. Of course the birth is celebrated with {\em jenever}. \starthead nabuurschap (naberschop) \hfill (neighbourship) \stophead Smaller communities used to be very dependent on the cooperation among the members for their well being. Members of the {\em nabuurschap} helped each other in difficult times during harvest times, funerals or any hardship that fell upon the community. \starthead Abraham \& Sarah \hfill (identical) \stophead When people turn 50 in Hasselt it is said that they see Abraham or Sarah. The custom is to give these people a {\em speculaas} Abraham or a Sarah. Speculaas is a kind of hard spiced biscuit. \stopitemize \stoptext
- The tables pages 30-31-32-35 are not at the right position on the page, mostly they are to the right and not centered.
I did not try all example, but this seems to work here. Can you provide a minimal example and say what you expect to be different?
- The chemical formulae give an error (pages 37-38), but I'll come back to that later on, but what is the manual about it?
Hans and Alan are in the process of completely re-writing the chemical macros. I don't know the current state.
- The boxes on page 45, second example are not at the right position, particularly the second is on the same line as the first. \leftaligned {\inframed[width=fit]{People in Hasselt}} \midaligned {\inframed[height=1.5cm,frame=off]{have a}} \rightaligned {\inframed[background=screen]{historic background}}
In MkIV there's a new syntax you can use: \startlinealignment [left] \inframed[width=fit]{People in Hasselt} \stoplinealignment \startlinealignment [middle] \inframed[height=1.5cm,frame=on]{have a} \stoplinealignment \startlinealignment [right] \inframed[background=screen]{historic background} \stoplinealignment I did not investigate why the middle alignment is on the same line as the left alignment and if that's intended or not.
What are the up todate manuals for MkIV?
I'm afraid there are none (and probably never will be). The wiki improved an awful lot during the last months, especially the command reference. There's also the revised manual, tex.stackexchange and of course the mailing list. Marco