Am 2012-02-28 um 21:23 schrieb Martin Schröder:
2012/2/28 Honza Hejzl
: PDF file must be version 1.3
Yellow pages. Now. Choose one that can handle PDF/X-4.
PDF 1.4 was released in 2001. If they need 1.3, their software is probably a decade old.
No, they just keep to standards they can handle. There’s not so much wrong about PDF/X-1 and -3. I guess the "full font embedding" is just a misunderstanding. The instructions Honza quoted didn’t say "full". I experienced a lot of printshops whose instructions were for office- type laymen and just utterly wrong for professionals*, e.g. to deliver single page pdfs or to convert all fonts to curves. Other printshops never learned anything in the last 20-30 years - they earned their insolvence. *) or, say, people who know stuff - most *amateur* (in the meaning of the word) typographers are better than everyday professionals. Honza, I guess you need only this information: ConTeXt embeds fonts very well and standards compliant. If it doesn’t, it’s an error that we can track (maybe missing or corrupt font on your system). Greetlings, Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)