Hans Hagen wrote:
Christopher Creutzig wrote:
- I can't include blank lines in \startlilypond...\stoplilypond, because in the buffer I will get a \par for that. There is probably some easy way around this, but I haven't found the idiom yet.
redefine par -)
Won't help, since the \par in there is never evaluated. I need to stop it being generated in the first place. I guess I probably should change \catcode`\^^M and \catcode`\^^J before reading the contents.
- Currently, the whole generation only works with shell_escape=t. Is there a way to use the automp mechanism for other external programs, such as lilypond, as well? It would also save quite some time to only typeset each piece of music only once.
\startmode[*first] % \v!first
(or: \doifmode ... )
That would solve the second problem, assuming I insert a counter (which for the first problem would be needed anyway). But is there a way to tell texexec to run this and that between the TeX runs?
- When typesetting a longer block, I'd like to tell lilypond how much space there is left on the first page, to have music break across pages smoothly with the text.
hm, rougly \pagegoal-\pagetotal-\whateverdistanceneeded
I know. This is a problem on the lilypond side: How do I tell that program to leave the first 13.42cm of the first page blank? regards, Christopher