On Fri 23 Sep 2011, Alexandre Krispin wrote:
The setup pagecite of Pontus Lurcock is exactly what I needed, but even with a minimal example, it does not produce a reference at the end with \completepublications.
For \completepublications, as for \placepublications, you need to use \completepublications[criterium=text] .
Also, I had to remove "compress=no" in \setupcite[interaction=start,compress=no] to make your setup work. Is it related to my distribution ? I use an up-to-date TeXlive 2011 distribution.
compress=no is necessary for interaction to work (see http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20080714.132145.26782c1f.en.html ) -- after a couple of tests I see that using compress=no and \completepublications without criterium=text makes the citation itself disappear. However, adding the [criterium=text] should allow you also to keep the compress=no without problems. Pont