On Mon, 22 May 2006, nico wrote:
The problem often occurs just after a heading starting at the top of a page (section, enumeration title). Here is an example showing the behaviour:
I had a similar problem in the past, and Hans suggested to use starttextbackground instead of background. background is supposed to be deprecated. Try the following code and see if you get what you want. setuplayout[middle] \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor[ScreenGray][s=0.95] \definetextbackground[listing] [backgrond=screen, frame=on, strut=yes, width=broad, location=paragraph, framecolor=ScreenGray, align=right] \definetyping[programlisting] \setuptyping[programlisting] [bodyfont=small, before={\starttextbackground[listing]}, after={\stoptextbackground}] \starttext \input tufte \input tufte \input tufte \input tufte \input tufte \startprogramlisting Some code \stopprogramlisting and the text continues .... \stoptext Aditya