In my experience, a \part is generally (except in some rather technical documents) not treated as a super-chapter, that is chapter numbers (and titles) are not reset and retain their status as if the book was not divided into parts. A very long work is commonly broken into "volumes". Here, each volume may or may not reset chapter numbers. Page numbering may or may not reflect the volume number. This is a sylistic choice. In my understanding, \part serves to delimit logical sections of related chapters, not volumes. Maybe I am wrong in this interpretation; maybe \part is to be used to delimit volumes. Nevertheless, it should be relatively simple for the basic user to be able to select the desired behavior without having to acquire an understanding of the inner workings such as prefixsets and sectionsegments. Alan On Thursday 02 July 2009 23:25:57 Hans Hagen wrote:
keys like partnumber (<section>number) are obsolete ... and replace by prefxset etc (see strc-def.mkiv for example definitions)
Obsolete in mkii? Shouldn't basic use (read standard users) treat source text transparently between mkii and mkiv? \setuphead[part][placehead=yes,resetnumber=no] \doifmodeelse{mkiv}{ \setuphead[part][sectionsegments=1:1] \setupstructureheads[sectionsegments=2:5] } { \setuppagenumbering[partnumber=no] \setuplist[chapter,section,subsection,subsubsection] [partnumber=no] }