23 Dec
23 Dec
1:29 p.m.
Hans Hagen wrote:
PLEASE FIX: in enco-def.tex replace \cdots by something (\dots, I suppose, but I'm not sure) \definecharacter textellipsis {\mathematics\cdots} (I guess this "bug" was the reason for changing some definitions in regimes/encodings elsewhere.)
Should \textellipsis be used for "2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS"
Yes. But on the baseline, so: \definecharacter textellipsis {\periods\relax} U+2024 (ONE-DOT LEADER): \definecharacter textonedotleader {\doperiods[1]} U+2025 (TWO-DOT LEADER): \definecharacter texttwodotleader {\doperiods[2]} I believe there is a four-dot leader in unicode as well, but I can't find it right now. Taco