Am Samstag, 26. Oktober 2002 16:09 schrieb Matthias Heidbrink:
- Is there a way to display only a part of a PDF file in ConTeXt, like it could be done with manipulation of the bounding box of a PostScript picture in LaTeX?
Don't know. In PS you could use a mask path, similar constructs exist in PDF, but I don't know how to create or manipulate such.
- Does anyone know an application that will split a PDF file into user-defined parts (not just printing pages)?
The simplest way would be to change the crop box and trim box of the page. You can do that with Acrobat (not Reader) and the free "Prinergy Geometry Editor" plugin by Creo. There are other tools (Acrobat plugins, not free) to trim pictures in a PDF to the visual part (Enfocus PitStop, Quite A Box of Tricks, maybe others). You would need two copies with different boxes. But I didn't try yet how ConTeXt / pdfTeX handles boxes in an embedded PDF. Grüßlis vom Hraban! --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://www.ramm.ch/context/ ---