Mehdi Omidali wrote:
Hi everyone, I want to be able to use persian interface in context. So I tried to create two files cont-pe.xml and cont-pe.tex for this purpose. Now my questions are: 1- Am I supposed to just create these two files and then run context --make cont-pe. 2- Can context accept these two files in UTF-8 encoding.
you need to adapt mult-con and mult-com but at the same time we need to adapt mult-sys, so as an experiment if things work out ok, just play a bit with mult-con/com e.g. replace a few harmless commands in the english interface and see if things work ok for persian
footnote: voetnoot footnote fussnote poznamkapodcarou notapdp notasubsol notepdp
eventually persian can become the 8th entry
footnote: voetnoot somethingpersian fussnote poznamkapodcarou notapdp notasubsol notepdp
\somethingpersian then should give you a footnote
(we never really tested it with utf8 input so far)
(when i have time i will (for luatex) make this mechanism different i.e. just lua tables from which i then can generate the con/com files) Hi Hans and everybody, I did as you said and saw two things. 1- The good news: it is possible to assign another name (even persian) for an option name. For example the word "packed" which is used as an
On 10/21/08, Hans Hagen