Am 03.04.10 15:51, schrieb Michael Saunders:
2. leftward protrusion fails \definefontfeature[...][default][...,protrusion=quality,expansion=quality] \setupalign[hanging,hz] \showgrid % or \showframe There is no leftward protrusion at all. Everything on the left edge is flush with the margin, even 'T' and 'J'. Similarly:
Don't know what you mean, works here. \definefontfeature[default][default][protrusion=quality] \usetypescript[modern] \setupbodyfont[modern] \showframe \starttext \startbuffer «text»\par „text“\par T\par J\par \stopbuffer \getbuffer\setupalign[hanging]\getbuffer \stoptext
3. protrusion fails in footnotes: Even on the right edge. Hz isn't happening in them either.
You have to enable it separate for notes. \setupnote[footnote][align={normal,hanging}]
5. footnotes break between pages How do I stop this?
No example, no help!
9. \raisebox? What is the proper way to raise or lower a bit of text? I just spent a lot of trial and error to find this: \inframed[frame=off,offset=.5pt,height=17.3pt]{--} to raise my en-dashes a little when \setff{ac} (for all caps) didn't work with one font.
\raisebox{1ex}{–} What should ConTeXt do when your font doesn't provide the allcaps feature.
10. problematic characters in grid typesetting. Unless I set grid=verytolerant, my 'Q' knocks the next line down a notch. Is there a better way to deal with this?
You can change the height/depth ratio of a line. \setupinterlinespace[height=0.6,depth=0.4] Wolfgang