Hi Hans, This post deletes [NTG-context] \directdiscretionary & \mainlanguage[fr], since I've forgot to exec texutil --purgeallfiles... I've just tested ConTeXt ver: 2006.11.29 09:55 and I have the same problem, i.e. even with ... (supp-mps.tex) \appendtoks \disablediscretionaries \to \everyMPgraphic ... => TeXExec | processing graphic 'prd_phd-mpgraph' This is MetaPost, Version 0.99 (Web2C 7.5.5) (/home/renaud/texmf/web2c/natural.tcx) (prd_phd-mpgraph.mp (mp-gnuplot.mp) ! Extra tokens will be flushed. <to be read again> directdiscretionary l.74 enddef \directdiscretionary {;} ? x Transcript written on prd_phd-mpgraph.log. TeXExec | runtime: 1.627805 [MP prd_phd-mpgraph.1] section : 1.1 Introduction ! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> \edef \directdiscretionary #1->\edef \discretionarytoken {\detokenize {#1}}\let \t... <argument> tab: objXP \dodoexpandreferences ... \specialREFidentifier #1 \endcsname \edef \expanded... \doexpandreferences ...ences #1REF(\relax )\relax \@EAEAEA \doexpandreferenc... \expandreferences ...count \doexpandreferences #1, ], ... l.44 \in{tableau}[tab:objXP] reprend les principales objections à de telles ? x {/usr/share/texmf-tetex/fonts/enc/dvips/psnfssx/texnansi.enc} Output written on prd_phd.pdf (14 pages, 62525 bytes). Transcript written on prd_phd.log. TeXExec | runtime: 9.140667 ... Renaud (I begin to doubt on my ability to properly install ConTeXt...) Hans Hagen a écrit :
Renaud Aubin wrote:
Hans Hagen a �crit :
so i'll wait for the test file before i look into it
\useencoding[ffr] \mainlanguage[fr]
\section{\type{enco-ffr.tex} related issue}
\startuseMPgraphic{mymptest} numeric u; u:=1cm; draw origin--(10u,10u); \stopuseMPgraphic
test:\blank test;\blank test!\blank test?\blank
leads to
! Illegal suffix of declared variable will be flushed. <to be read again> { l.148 numeric u\directdiscretionary { ;}
i'll add
\appendtoks \disablediscretionaries \disablecompoundcharacters \to\everyMPgraphic
(i must have had a reason for removing it but i forgot what)