But this doesn't work. At the moment I'd be happy if can setup regular and italic, but have not an idea how to achieve it. Help me, please.
You need a typescript, that is something along the lines of ✃✃✃✃ \starttypescript [serif] [adobecaslon] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [ACaslonPro-Regular] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [ACaslonPro-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [ACaslonPro-Bold] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [ACaslonPro-BoldItalic] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [adobecaslon] [size] \definebodyfont [rm] [tf=Serif, it=SerifItalic, bf=SerifBold, bi=SerifBoldItalic] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [caslon] \definebodyfontenvironment [caslon] [default] [iterlinespace=2.6ex] \definetypeface [caslon] [rm] [serif] [adobecaslon] \stoptypescript \usetypescript [caslon] [ec] \setupbodyfont [caslon] \starttext William Caslon released his first typefaces in 1722. % Caslon’s types were based on seventeenth-century Dutch old style designs, which were then used extensively in England. Because of their remarkable practicality, Caslon’s designs met with instant success. Caslon’s types became popular throughout Europe and the American colonies; printer Benjamin Franklin hardly used any other typeface. The first printings of the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were set in Caslon. \stoptext ✁✁✁✁ And for an even fancier design :-) \definefontfeature [historic] [script=latn,language=DFLT,dlig=yes,hist=yes,onum=yes] and replace the typeface definition with \definetypeface [caslon] [rm] [serif] [adobecaslon] [default] [features=historic] P-S for Idris: I just received my copy of the last issue of TUGboat, and your article is absolutely great! That's what I used exclusively for the above :-)