On 28/04/07, Aditya Mahajan
Do you have write18 enabled? Check the log file, it should say something like
\wirte18 enabled. Yep the log file mentions that line.
system(texmfstrart bin:vim -c ...long list of arguments...) executed Well, firstly, the log says this:
system : module vim loaded (c:/ConTeXt/usr/local/context/tex/texmf-local/tex/context/third/vim/t-vim.tex loading : Context Module for ViM Sytax Highlighting color : system hex is loaded It then goes on to say what you listed. Here is the full output (I have also shown the tail end of the last error I mentioned in a previous email): system(texmfstart bin:vim "-u NONE -e -c \"set noswapfile\" -c \"set tabstop=8\ " -c \"set cp\" -c \"syntax on\" -c \"set syntax=ruby\" -c \"let contextstartli ne=1\" -c \"let contextstopline=0\" -c \"source kpse:2context.vim\" -c \"wqa\" " c_Implementation-vimsyntax.tmp)...executed. ! I can't find file `c_Implementation-vimsyntax.tmp-vimsyntax.tmp'. <to be read again>