Jean-Pierre Delange schrieb am 22.07.2024 um 12:29:
As Taco suggested, the best way to install new fonts on MS Windows (and other OSes) is to tell ConTeXt where they are located. On Windows, fonts are usually found in /Fonts. But you still need to purge the font cache and regenerate it so that the system can interact with ConTeXT. A safer method is to create separate directories, as indicated by Taco: /tex/texmf-fonts/fonts/data/urbanist. You can also distinguish between True Type fonts (ttf) and Open Type fonts (otf) by separating folders as follows: /tex/texmf-fonts/fonts/otf/ and /tex/texmf-fonts/fonts/ttf/.
When you use context for a single user you can create a folder texmf in the users home directory and place all files in the subfolder fonts/data, e.g. C:\Users\...\texmf\fonts\data> There is no need to make distinctions between the two file extension ttf and otf because they are meaningless because most truetype fonts are also opentype font. Wolfgang