Dear Wolfgang, Thank you for reminding me the thread. I also found it yesterday evening and it made me realize how dumb I am. I am so sorry to give you a needless work. I'd like to ask you one more. I was looking for a way to use some characters as an item head like \startitemize[a] because an official document usually use numbers and some characters as item heads. For consecutive characters in unicode, it is possible to do that using unicode. \def\circledja#1{\uchar{50}{95+#1}} \def\circledga#1{\uchar{50}{109+#1}} \def\circleden#1{\uchar{36}{207+#1}} and \defineconversion[][]. But for characters which are not listed consecutively, I don't know how to make it appear automatically. I may use \sym{} AC00, B098, B2E4, B77C, ... These are the same characters in the area 320E ~ 321B without parenthesis. Is it possible to make those characters appear automatically as item heads? I hope that it is not a silly question. Thank you again. Best regards, Dalyoung