Hi John, Hi all, John Culleton schrieb:
On Monday 27 October 2003 20:44, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Thanks for your hint. There is an anomaly if I call Acrobat Reader from within Gvim session but if I just call Acrobat reader from a button or a command line everything works perfectly.
Just FYI the anomaly is that the full screen window is offset down and to the right, and with no title bar to latch on to it is hard to move the window back to where it belongs.
what version of the Acrobat Reader are you using and what OS? I can't make it work here. Perhaps the MacOS X Acroread does not support this. "Don't you dare to quit Acrobat Reader" :)
Well, it works on the same pdf file in two locations: on Linux using Acrobat Reader 5.05, and on Win 98 SE using Acrobat Reader 5.1.
I guess I will have to ask some kind soul who has a newer Windows to test the function for me on Acrobat Reader 6x. Any volunteers?
On my WinXP [ExitViewer] works on the Acrobat Reader 5.x but not on 6.0. I can do further tests for you. I can test on NT4, 2K and XP.
Windows users are in the vast majority and hence the target market for the e-book I am crafting.
I tried to download Acrobat Reader 6.0 to the Win 98SE partition, but then it said I needed to upgrade Internet Explorer and that got into an endless loop and.... (I don't use Windows much!)
There is a Download Option called "Do not use Adobe Download Manager." If checked, you download the full Windows Installer, not the one that needs the Internet Explorer.
So I downloaded Acrobat Reader 5.1 for Windows 98 via Linux (!) and moved it over to the Desktop folder on the Win partition. It works fine.
Greetings Lutz