On 05/23/2018 06:05 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 5/23/2018 5:50 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
Many thanks for your reply, Hans.
Is there any way to set origin to another value than (0, 0) in MP?
I realize it might sound weird, but it would make things easier in an example that I’m working on.
redefining origin is a bad idea (don't expect help if you do that)
you can alway sdo
currentpicture := currentpicture shifted - center currentpicture;
Many thanks for your replies, Hans and Alan. Geometry isn’t one of my strengths (and this is almost my first contact with MP). I have the following sample: \starttext \edef\TextInside{Just follow the tokens} \startMPpage path p ; p := reverse halfcircle scaled .6TextWidth; path q ; q := halfcircle rotatedaround (origin, 180) scaled (.6TextWidth + .75LineHeight); %~ draw fullcircle scaled .6TextWidth; draw followtext(p, "·\TextInside") ; draw followtext(q, "\TextInside·") ; path c ; c := (origin -- (6, 0) -- (0.5, -4) -- (3, 2) -- (5.5, -4) -- cycle) scaled 1.25cm ; %~ c := c shifted (-3,-3) ; draw followtext(c, "\dorecurse{500}{\utfchar{"EB09}}") ; \stopMPpage \stoptext How can I shift the path c (I mean, the one that draws a star? I have tried to add the shifted option to the path definition and drawing and there was no shift in the MP page. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk